This year Shiv Nadar Foundation and HCL has signed an MoU with Sanjeevani for VidyaGyan Program.
Inviting Applications for Selecting Top 50
Meritorious students from rural and urban, economically underprivileged communities who fulfil the eligibility criteria at VidyGyan-one of India’s top residential schools established under the aegis of Shiv Nadar Foundation and HCL.
VidyaGyan Leadership Academy
Vision: VidyaGyan envisions bridging the urban-rural divide by creating leaders from rural India, who can act as catalysts of charge for their communities, villages and the entire nation.
Mission: Create a leadership Academy providing world-class education to the meritorious, rural, economically underprivileged students to shape them into future leaders.
Develop a model of academic excellence replicable in every developing country.
What are trying to achieve:
- Creating leaders from economically underprivileged communities
- Provide high quality school education with 21st century learning
- Positive impact to truly uplift and transform lives
Benefits of Studying at VidyaGyan
At VidyaGyan students are provided free education in a fully residential, state-of-art campus equipped with world class technology. The Students study from grade VI till grade XII gaining exposure to high quantity academics leadership skills and variety of extracurricular activities.
The Role of Sanjeevani in VidyaGyan
- Sanjeevani will identify and shortlist students from the designated geography as per the eligibility criteria as specified by the Foundation.
- Sanjeevani should ensure appropriate level of transparency in candidate selection.
- Sanjeevani will make arrangements for shortlisting of candidates at their own cost and no support will be given by FOUNDATION.
- Any concern pertaining to the admission in VidyaGyan School(s) raised by shortlisted candidate / family will be addressed by the NGO partner solely without any involvement of FOUNDATION.
- Sanjeevani shall ensure that the parents of the selected/shortlisted students would sign and submit such documents, papers, undertaking, affidavit or any other documents as may be required by FOUNDATION.
- Sanjeevani will share the list of finally selected students with Foundation for Almora district of Uttarakhand. The Foundation will select the students from the list who will meet the following norms:
- The student is from economically underprivileged background;
- The Student is meritorious;
- The ratio of selected Boys and Girls shall be 60:40.
- Parents have given their consent for admission of their ward in VidyaGyan School.
- The shortlisting of the students by Sanjeevani shall be provisional and will not vest any right on the candidates to secure admission into the VidyaGyan School. The Students shall be subject to further test/interview to be conducted by the Foundation. At the time of seeking actual admission, each selected candidate will have to produce all relevant certificates, as prescribed by the Foundation for admission in VidyaGyan School(s). Until admission, the selection is provisional.