This is a joint initiative of Himmotthan Society (An associate organization of Tata Trusts and The Hans Foundation).
Goal of the Project: To improve the quality of life and income from agriculture for 1500 farming families in 15 villages in one cluster of Chaukhutia development block of Uttarakhand.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows;
- Productivity enhancement of crops through technological interventions and improved PoPs;
- Promotion of IPM,IPNM, safe and organic agriculture, quality planting materials;
- Establish knowledge and critical input supply centers;
- Training local youth as service providers/ entrepreneurs;
- Development of seed villages, community-based seed banks and establishing seed enterprises;
- Popularizing farm mechanization for drudgery reduction and efficient farming operations;
- Critical support irrigation and innovation for moisture conservation techniques;
- Post-harvest handling, agro-processing and sustained institutional marketing of commodities;
- Institution building, capacity building and effective extension strategies for technology dissemination.
- Developing linkages and dovetailing funds from government line departments, institutions and Banks.
Project Area: 15 Villages of Chaukhutia development block, district Almora namely Chaukhutia cluster.
Deliverables of the project:
1. Productivity enhancement of Mountain crops through Technological interventions
(Demonstration of selected crops and varieties, Demonstration on IPM and IPNM, Promotion of Bio-Composting Technologies, Upscaling of successful demonstrations)
2. The Development of Seed Villages, Community Based Seed Banks and Seed Enterprise
(Production of certified and truthful seed of notified and non-notified varieties, Storage facilities, Packaging, and tagging for seed, Institutional arrangement for seed enterprise, Pollinators and measures for Adverse climatic conditions and establishing mini-Mobile seed Processing Unit)
3. Promotion of Critical support irrigation and climate change impact mitigation strategy for Production enhancement
(Low cost rain water harvesting structure, Support irrigation structures, Climate change risk mitigation and crop/ seed insurance)
4. Popularizing farm mechanization for drudgery reduction, efficient farming operations and employment generation
(Support to cooperatives/Producer Groups for Farm machinery, Credit flow from groups and banks/ MFIs for Agri-Enterprise/Farm machineries)
5. Promotion of Post Harvest Handling, Agro Processing and Institutional Marketing of Mountain Commodities
(Promotion of post-harvest technologies / Agro processing and Marketing of Mountain commodities, Marketing support and Networking)
6. Community Institution Building for Sustaining interventions, generating economy of scale and linking markets
(Formation of Producer groups, Formation / strengthening of cluster federation, Establishment of community facility & information center (CF&IC) and Marketing outlets, Infrastructure support to farmer information center)
7. Capacity Building, Extension and Communication strategies for implementation of Agriculture Project
(Capacity building programme and Farmers training through field schools, Kisan Mela’s and Exhibitions)