Our organization got this assignment from National Jute Board Kolkatta, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. Our NGO will work for this project as a collaborating agency. The nature of our service will as follows :-
- Our organization will implement this project in two district of Uttarkhand. First one is Almora district and second district will decided later. We shall impart various trainings for Jute bags, Mattings, Dun and other articles of Jute diversified products.
- Our Organisation will work towards progression of the use of jute and its application in any diversified form for production of market worthy articles.
- Focus on capacity building for the cluster zones and ensure growth of production units for jute diversified products in these clusters and target on creation of employment and increase in the use of jute as raw material.
- Interact regularly with local goverments bodies like DRDAs, DICs, related state govt. departments, technical institutions, research institutions and associations, confederation of business, reputed individuals in trade, weavers, craft persons, artisons, women group etc. and like to appraise them and obtain feedback about the activities. Linkages will also be established with handicraft and handloom development programmes of the govt for better results.
- attempt in involving the local state govt agencies and or district authorities as far as practicable in formulation of programmes, selection of beneficiaries, deciding on the areas and location of activity etc.. so that the flow of resources to target groups is uniformly channelised.
- Attempt shall be made involve more and more women SHGs by engaging them in the jute diversified activity for income generation.
Promotional Work
The Collaborating agency (Sanjeevani) will carry out various promotional works that will include arrangement of Awareness Workshop, Basic Training, Advance Training, Technical Demonstration, Design development, Buyer & Seller Meet etc., in the respective region, particularly in promising areas in rural places and targeting mostly women and disadvantaged sections of the society.
The Basic training programme will be carried out as a continuation of the advance training programme. This would mean that the participants in basic training will stay on for the advance training programme, Design Dissemination programme. For advance training and for design dissemination programme the resource person will be as per the requirement of the product on which the training is to be imparted.
Our organisaton will conduct Buyer Seller Meet activity along with District/ State Level Exhibition. We will conduct this activity for duration of 7 days where local entrepreneurs / artisans will display their product. Priority will be given to the JDP units set up by the our organsiation. The buyers i.e exporters, traders, renowned shop owners, departmental store, respective State Govt. Emporium, Handloom & Handicrafts departments, cottage & small scale industries will be called for the event.