Project Axshya is being implemented by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union). The main office of the “The Union” is at Paris (France). In India, this programme is being executed by The Union South East Asia office New Delhi. In India, The Union is implementing Project Axshya across 300 districts in 21 states in India including Uttarakhand by partners focusing Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) activities for TB care and control. The phase I of the project was from April 2012 to March 2013 and Phase 2 has been initiated from April 2013 and will last till September 2015. The overall objectives of the project is to improve the reach, visibility and effectiveness of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) through civil society support and engage communities and community care providers to improve TB care and control, especially for marginalized and vulnerable population including TB-HIV patients. The project is implemented by the network of over 1200 NGOs, 3000 CBOs and 18000 Rural Health Care Providers (unqualified local practitioners).
Role of Sanjeevani in Project Axshya
For advocacy, communication and social mobilization, (ACSM) the identified stakeholders are involved either one or more of the below mentioned activites activities there by contributing to the goal of Project Axshya:
- Conduct community meeting to strengthen communities to fight against TB
- Mid Media activities for awareness generation on TB
- School activities such as essay competition, painting competition etc.
- Sensitization of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Self Help Groups.
- Sensitization of Directly Observed Treatment Short Term Providers/TB support groups.
- Patient Providers Meetings in the community
- Sensitization of religious groups/faith healers.
- Development of material in local language for the above meetings.
- Advocacy for rights of Patients and their care providers
- Support sputum collection and transportation and in increasing detection rate.
- Support to trace initial defaulters and increase in cure rate
- Establish Axshya Gram.
- Sensitize community in the designated areas through Axshya Samvad and ensure that symptomatic are identified and brought to the nearest health facilities for diagnosis and treatment. In case of any symptomatic is not able to visit health facilities, in such instances sputum of such person should be collected and transported to the nearest DMC.
Read the MOU with International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease