Sanjeevani works in all the areas of social development activities and initiatives through our various interventions and thematic areas. Sanjeevani has majorly achieved in integrated rural community development and rural livelihood in a sustainable manner. However, we focus on multiple thematic areas as listed for the potential partnerships.

The below thematic focus will improve the lives of Children, Youth, Women, Men, Senior Citizens. We classify our target groups like farmers, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), widows, singles, and other under privileged and marginalized sections of the society.
- Rural Development: We focus on integrated rural development and community activities in terms of focusing intervention in all thematic areas and target groups.
- Livelihood, Micro Entrepreneurship, and Skill Development: We focus on farm based and non-farm based livelihood and skill development activities.
- In terms of Non-farm based skills, we provide trainings in linking the youth and women to the local training institutes or invite the trainers in the community and create earning the linkage based on skills.
- In terms of Farm based activities, we provide trainings on horticulture, agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, sericulture, flori culture, bee hiving, with modern and innovative method in promoting organic farming. We involve in the entire supply chain of cultivation, production and market linkage with business plan for the farmers.
- Education: We focus on digital education, Government school improvement programs, career guidance and other improvement of learning and teaching methods in schools and community.
- Health: We focus on preventive and primary health care initiatives in the community like HIV, Cancer, and other communicable diseases. We also work on improving the primary health care services in the rural regions of Uttarakhand. We also involve health survey and research. We also focus animal welfare and care activities.
- Environment: We focus on environment research, climate change, carbon reduction activity, water conservation, tree plantation, Sanitation, Safe drinking water and cleanliness drive and waste management system in rural and urban setup.
- Women Empowerment: We focus on formation of Self Help Groups (SHG), social empowerment and their rights, economic empowerment, and other activities related to better the lives of women.
- Child Development: We focus on child development in terms of their rights and protection.
- Financial Literacy and Inclusion: We focus on financial literacy and inclusion activities for children, women, youth, farmer and rural community.
- Linkage of Government Schemes and Services: We focus on linking government schemes and services to urban and rural community as well individual people.